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How many hours does a typical genealogical research project take?

A typical genealogical research project takes 15-25 hours of research and writing time billed at Kate's hourly rate. Outside research expenses are also the responsibility of the Client.

What does your current research calendar look like?

Kate is ready and open to take on genealogy projects in 2024! If you would like to work with her, please reach out.

What is your hourly rate?

Kate now holds the Certified Genealogist® credential. As of March 2024, she charges $100.00 per hour for research projects. She also offers two-hour research consultations for $250.00.

My brother said he went on and discovered that we are related to William Wallace, who was born in 1305. Can you confirm his research?

The genealogical research Kate conducts is based on research in public records. Public records were either not created or kept for much of history; therefore, making connections this far back in history is difficult, time-consuming, unreliable, and often impossible.

My grandmother said we were related to Mary Todd Lincoln. Can you verify that we are?

Maybe. If you are a direct descendent of someone born in the past 200-300 years, it might be possible to verify this information. However, if you are related through multiple family connections (i.e., third cousins twice removed from someone), it can be much more challenging to do so. It is also a very time-consuming process to explore these connections.

I was adopted and did a DNA test. Can you find my birth mother?

Unfortunately, Kate does not work with adoption cases or DNA research. She suggests you find a researcher who does this by exploring the Association of Professional Genealogists website.

I need help with my DAR application. Can you help me complete the application?

Kate does not work with lineage society applications. However, she suggests finding a researcher who does this by exploring the Association of Professional Genealogists website.

I saw an episode of "Who Do You Think You Are?" and want my genealogical research done this way?

Doing a deep dive into your ancestry like it is shown on television shows like "Who Do You Think You Are" can take hundreds of hours of research time. It is best to start doing genealogical research one step at a time. Kate suggests first identifying everything she can on your earliest known ancestor and working her way backward in your family tree. This can be time-consuming, but it is the most accurate approach to genealogical research if you want to do a deep dive.

I am interested in hiring you to do my genealogical research, but I can't afford to pay for an entire research project. What do you suggest?

Kate suggests that you do a series of one or more genealogical research consultations with her. Kate can get you on the path to completing your research goals and coach you throughout the process.